Contact Information

Phone +82-42-865-2128
Fax +82-42-865-3392
Office Hour 09:30-18:00 (GMT+9, Seoul, Korea)
Address 776, Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34055, Republic of Korea
New plan of the ICOA-10 will be noticed later.

Dear all,


On behalf of the ICOA-10 LOC, I regret to inform you that it is difficult to hold the ICOA-10 at this time

due to the global coronavirus pandemic. 


As we notified the website on March 26 2020, COVID19 made ICOA-10 event postponed from June to October.

Although we have waited out this virus epidemic in the world, there seems a little sign of the second outbreak

of COVID19 even in Korea. We are apprehensive about these circumstances if any gatherings could cause

health problems to any attendants.


Therefore we would like to notice the new plan of the ICOA-10 in the near future after keeping a close watch

on the situation for a while. 



Best regards,


Mihn, Byeong-Hee 

I don't want to open this window for a day.